Make Your Own Personalized eBay Buyer's Guide.

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You will get paid at least fifty percent of the selling price of all items purchased by people who click on the links in your book.The eBay Buyer's guide contains links to The Auction Revolution and to You will get paid for anything sold for 90 days after the buyer clicks on your special links.

There is NO cost to create your own personalized Buying Guide. You can set everything up in just a few minutes.

All Products are sold through Every two weeks Clickbank will send you a check for your sales. Clickbank is honest and you will get paid.

If you are not already signed up with Clickbank you can become an affiliate here for free:

Use this link to sign up for Clickbank.
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Once you have a Clickbank account, fill in the form below. Then hit submit to get your own personalized eBay Buyer's Guide.

Note: If you enter an email address that requires clicking on a link and typing in a magic number to get emails past a spam filter, the book will not be created. Add to your approved senders list before creating your buyer's guide.

As I make changes to the eBay Buyer's Guide, I will send you emails notifying you of new versions. Do not use blank spaces in form.

Required fields:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Clickbank ID

The fields below will create links to your website and eBay auctions within the book. If you do not want to include these links you can leave these blank.

eBay Nickname
Your Website Title
Your Website Address include http://

After filling in the information above hit generate. Then select save when the download dialog box opens. Make a note of where you save your personalized eBay Buyer's guide on your computer, so you can later move the book onto your server.

Here's some images of the eBay Buyer's Guide you can use in your promotions.

Please do not link directly to these images, instead save them to your computer and then move them up to your server. Right click on the images and select save as to save them to your hard drive.

eBay Buyer's Guide 200 by 200 eBay Buyer's Guide 350 by 350

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The Auction Revolution is a product of IWantCollectibles LLC
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