Get the eBay Buyer's Guide Free![]() The eBay Buyer's guide will help you find better deals on eBay and help you avoid falling victim to the unscrupulous scammers.
The eBay Buyer's Guide is a PDF and can be read on any computer. You need Adobe Acrobat to read the file. if your computer is less than 10 years old you will have Acrobat installed. If you do not have Acrobat, you can download the reader free with the a link at the bottom of this page It will take you about a minute to download the book with a dial up modem. If you have a faster connection it will take less time. Right click on the link below and select SAVE TARGET AS to start down loading the ebook. Netscape users right click and select "SAVE LINK AS." MAC Users- hold your mouse button down until the SAVE AS dialog box opens. After the download starts, a box will open telling you "You are down loading a file." This box will give you different options for dealing with the download. Select save, then make a note of where you have saved it. The name of the book is ebaybuyersguide.pdf"
If you get an error message asking you to select a program to open the book once you have downloaded it, you do not have Acrobat reader. You can get the reader at:
Every few days I write a new article about Antiques, Collectibles or eBay. Here's a few recent articles with links: ![]()